NHS Designs


Web Design

Chapter D Project Builder 2:
Working with Links

Use the image below as a guide to continue your work on the Jacob's Web site that you started in Project Builder 2 in Chapter A. Chef Jacob has sent you a copy of this month's featured pre-theatre dinner menu to place on the Web site. He has also included some links to London theatre reviews. He has asked you to add this information to the Web site. He has also asked you to insert a new navigation bar on each page of the Web site to help viewers navigate through the site easily.

  1. Create Up and Down button images for each of the following navigational links:
    1. Home
    2. Menus
    3. Recipes
    4. Directions
  2. Open the Jacob's Web site.
  3. Open dwd_4.htm from the chapter_d Data Files folder. Save it as menus.htm in the root Folder of the Jacob's Web site, overwrrting the existing file, then update all links.
  4. Change the path of the Jacob's banner so that it is set to the jacobs.jpg file in the assets folder of the Web site.
  5. Select the text post-theatre dessert specials in the first paragraph, then link it to the after_theatre.htm page.
  6. Select The London Theatre Guide - Online text, and link it to http://www.londontheatre.co.uk/
  7. Select the London Theatre Guide from the Society of London Theatre text, and link it to http://www.officiallondontheatre.co.uk/
  8. 7. Select the London Theatre Tickets text, and link it to http://www.londontheatrebookings.com/
  9. Design a new navigation bar using the button graphics you created, then place it at the top of the menus page. The navigation bar should contain the following elements: Home, Menus, Recipes, and Directions
  10. Copy the navigation bar, then paste it to the after_theatre.htm and index.htm pages of the site. Delete the old navigation bar on any of the pages where it appears.
  11. Insert a named anchor at the top of the menus page, then create Flash text at the bottom of the page to link to it.
  12. Save all the pages, then check for broken links and orphaned files.
  13. Preview all the pages in your browser, check to make sure the links work correctly, close your browser, then close all open pages.

project builder 2

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